In the animated Disney movie, Moana of Oceania sets sail on an unimaginable adventure to save the people of Motonui. Kids can imagine ocean-inspired stories with this Moana of Oceania doll who shines in style wearing a sparkly skirt! This Moana of Oceania toy also comes with her movie-inspired signature shell necklace to accessorize her outfit. She has long brown hair to style, and kids can complete her look with an included headband. A great birthday gift or holiday present for kids 3 years old and up, this set encourages kids to play out scenes from the Disney animated movie, Moana. Start a collection of Disney Princess dolls and toys with this Moana of Oceania fashion doll or add to your child's set!
Disney Princess Royal Shimmer Fashion Doll Moana
- $19.99
- $19.99
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